
Selected Events that Contributed to Whiteness

  • (Click on a timeline dot to navigate
    using dots or keyboard arrows)
1500's and earlier1600's1700's1800's1900-19501950-19992000's
  • 1400-1900

    Western European Impact

    The Smithsonian Institute at the National Museum of the American...
  • 1493

    Doctrine of Discovery

    Pope Alexander VI issues a papal bull or decree, “Inter...
  • 16th - mid 19th

    The Middle Passage

    This was the forced sea voyage across the Atlantic carrying...
  • 1536-1691

    Conquest of Ireland

    Ireland during the period of 1536–1691 saw the first full...
  • 1600 +

    Indentured Servants

    From the 1600’s on, because of the need for labor...
  • 1607

    Establishment of Jamestown

    In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North...
  • 1619

    White Lion Arrives

    White Lion (1619) - audio only(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    A White sea captain recounts his journey across the Atlantic....
  • 1640

    John Punch

    On July 9, 1640, a Virginia Court identified the first...
  • 1662

    Slavery Becomes Inheritable

    Elizabeth Key, an indentured servant, was sold as a servant,...
  • 1667

    Baptism Not a Condition for Freedom

    The General Assembly of the colony of Virginia attempts to...
  • 1676

    Bacon’s Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    Bacon’s Rebellion was an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia...
  • 1680's

    Slave Codes

    Virginia lawmakers began finding ways to codify the notion that...
  • 1700's

    The Scots-Irish

    Between 1717 and 1775, an estimated 200,000 Scots-Irish emigrated to...
  • 1705

    Virginia Slave Codes

    Step by Step(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    The Virginia Slave Codes of 1705 (formally entitled An act...
  • 17th - 19th centuries

    Chattel Slavery

    Auction (parental advisory)(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    The colonial system of slavery — which was practiced in...
  • 1706

    Letter from Cotton Mather

    Letter from Cotton Mather(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    A major intellectual, religious leader and public figure in English-speaking...
  • 1710

    Lanterns Required

    New York forbids blacks, Indians, and mulattos from walking at...
  • 1712

    NY Restrictions on Property Ownership

    New York forbids freed blacks, Indians, and mulatto slaves from...
  • 1734

    Carl Linnaeus and Race Pseudo-Science

    Taxonomy, or the science of classification, became a major subject...
  • 1740

    Negro Act of S. Carolina

    South Carolina passes the comprehensive “Negro Act,” making it illegal...
  • 1750+

    Georges-Louis Leclerc De Buffon

    Buffon’s great work, Histoire natural, général et particulière, was the...
  • 1781

    Elizabeth Freeman (Mum Bett)

    On August 22, 1781, a jury in Great Barrington, Massachusetts...
  • 1785

    Land Ordinance Act of 1785

    Congress set the minimum amount of land that could be...
  • 1787

    Three-fifths Compromise

    Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: “Representatives...
  • 1787

    Recovery of Fugitive Slaves Sanctioned

    The U.S. Constitution was ratified with the provision that the...
  • 1788

    The Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 essays urging...
  • 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790

    The First Congress (1789-1791) established federal procedures and criteria for...
  • 1795

    Johann Blumenbach

      Johann Blumenbach was appointed professor of medicine and curator...
  • 1800's - present

    White Feminism

    White feminism is a term which is used to describe...
  • 1803

    Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson wanted control of the Mississippi River which directly...
  • 1823

    Texas Rangers

    As a law enforcement agency, the Rangers were unofficially founded...
  • 1830

    Native American Removal and Land Grabs

    1830 – Indian Removal Act – signed into law by...
  • 1838

    Trail of Tears

    Guided by policies favored by President Andrew Jackson, who led...
  • 1840's

    Irish Immigration Wave

    Irish immigration increases due in part to the Irish potato...
  • 1845

    Texas Annexed: Free Citizenship for White Mexicans

    U.S. annexes Texas with full citizenship rights for free Whites...
  • 1848

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo transferred the northern half of...
  • 1850+

    The Right & Duty to Expand

    Manifest Destiny, The Monroe Doctrine, The Discovery Doctrine In the...
  • 1850-1910

    Massive Immigration

    The period of 1850-1910 saw the largest immigration of Europeans...
  • 1850

    Foreign Miners Act

    In 1850, the California legislature passed a Foreign Miners’ Tax...
  • 1851

    Indian Redefined

    In 1850 and 1851, the California Legislature enacted laws concerning...
  • 1855-1866

    Common School Act

    Growing anti-Chinese sentiments accelerates the changes of racial restrictions in...
  • 1857

    Dred Scott v Sanford

    In Dred Scott v. Sandford (argued 1856 — decided 1857),...
  • 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862

    To help develop the American West and spur economic growth,...
  • 1864

    Kill the Indian, Save the Man

    In 1862, the United States enacts the Homestead Act, providing...
  • 1866-1877


    Even after the Emancipation Proclamation, two more years of war,...
  • 1866

    KKK and Secret Organizations

    Ex-Confederates, to regain some sort of control during Reconstruction, form...
  • 1868

    Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment, endowing African Americans with citizenship, passes throughout...
  • 1870's - 1960's

    Jim Crow

    Throughout the 1830s and ’40s, the white entertainer Thomas Dartmouth...
  • 1877

    Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction ends in 1877 when federal troops, which had occupied...
  • 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act

    This was the first significant law restricting immigration into the...
  • 1886

    Yick Wo v. Hopkins

    This Supreme Court ruling struck down legislation aimed at closing...
  • 1896

    Separate But Equal

    In the Plessy v. Ferguson decision, the U.S. Supreme Court...
  • 1898

    U.S. v Wong Kim Ark

    U.S. v Wong Kim Ark established an important precedent in...
  • 1900's (into 1970's)


    “Blockbusting” refers to the efforts of real-estate agents and real-estate...
  • 1915

    Birth of a Nation

    On February 8, 1915, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a...
  • 1921

    Tulsa Race Massacre

    The Tulsa race massacre, also known as the Tulsa race...
  • 1922

    Takao Ozawa v the U. S.

    The United States Supreme Court ruled that Asian Americans are...
  • 1923

    U.S. v Bhagat Singh Thind

    Bhagat Singh Thind, an Indian Sikh man who identified himself...
  • 1933

    The Great Depression

    The crash of 1929 led to massive poverty and houselessness....
  • 1934

    FHA, HOLC – Redlining

    Also known as the Wagner-Steagall Housing Act, the NHA was...
  • 1935

    Social Security

    Considered a signature part of New Deal reform, Social Security...
  • 1944

    A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.

    Aloysius Leon Higginbotham Jr. was an American civil rights advocate,...
  • 1944

    G.I. Bill

    The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act was signed into law by President...
  • 1950-1954


    In the years immediately following World War II, the movement...
  • 1950's

    De Facto Segregation

    Racial segregation in the United States is the systematic separation...
  • 1950's - Present

    The King of Rock n Roll

    Rock music’s legacy is conflicted. It’s a genre that transformed...
  • Late 1950's - 1960's

    White Flight

    White flight or White exodus is the sudden or gradual...
  • 1960's to Present

    White Evangelicals

    As far back as the founding moment of the United...
  • 1963

    Letter from White Clergy to MLK,Jr in Birmingham Jail

    Letter to Martin Luther King, Jr. April 12, 1963 We...
  • 1973 to Present


    The American Legislative Exchange Council, founded in 1973, is a...
  • 1973 to Present

    Mass Incarceration

    Fifty years ago, the United States embarked on a path...
  • 1989

    Charles Stuart – “A Black man did it”

    In 1989, Charles Stuart was serving as the general manager...
  • 2001

    September 11 attacks

    The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11,[d] were four...
  • 2010

    Citizens United v FEC

    The case began after Citizens United, a conservative non-profit organization,...
  • 2016

    Muslim Travel Ban

    Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist...
  • 2017

    Charlottesville “Unite the Right”

    The Unite the Right rally was a White supremacist rally...
  • 2021

    January 6 Insurrection

    White Freedom(© Daniel Portis-Cathers 2023)
    The Jan. 6 Committee has been uncovering what led up...
  • 2023

    Modern Republican Strategies and Race

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump relies on racism as a...
  • 2023

    Banning Abortion and The Great Replacement Theory

    The movement to end legal abortion has a long, racist...